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    Herbal Choice Strong Mint Ginger Tea 48g - 24 Tea Bags

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    Product description


    Mint and ginger are a classic ​tea pairing​ that will bring you to a place of refreshed tranquillity and calm. This tea should be a staple in every person’s kitchen because of the ​numerous health benefits​ that ​mint leaves​ and ginger bring. ​Mint and Ginger Tea benefits​ include its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that will soothe sinuses, ease menstrual pain, calm upset stomachs, encourage glowing skin and promote restful sleep.


    Try some during work as ​mint tea promotes​ mental clarity, focus and ​helps to reduce stress.

    Our Mint and Ginger Tea also makes a beautiful ​caffeine-free after-dinner drink​ to serve to your guests as it is not only fragrant but helps to aid in digestion and freshens the breath.

    Can be thoroughly enjoyed hot with a bit of honey​ or as iced tea.


    • Botanical name:​ Mentha spicata

    • Quantity: 24 herbal tea bags

    • Total tea box content:​ 48 g

    • Ingredients: Mint and ginger


    • Caffeine-free

    • No preservatives

    • No artificial flavouring

    • No GMOs

    At Crown Herbal Products, we ethically source all of our tea products as we only want to serve you the best possible products and experience. We have spent years of research to produce the highest quality teas around. Our success depends on your complete satisfaction.

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    Herbal Choice Strong Mint Ginger Tea 48g - 24 Tea Bags


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