Boost: Positive Book For Happiness Confidence Motivation
Product description
Height: 150mm / Width: 145mm / Depth: 6mm
An extremely uplifting book full of colourful, illustrated thoughts to inspire confidence, inner happiness and motivation to follow your dreams. A wonderfully happy gift.
> Who needs a boost in your life?
Boost is a positive gift for someone who needs a pick-me-up. You know those times when negative thoughts are kicking you down, you’re in a slump & just need a pick me up? Boost will be your uplifting friend!
Boost will shift your perspective, help you remember your worth, remind you of your choice to feel happy & believe in yourself.
An easy read, with 1 boosting message per page spread. Read a page a day or open the book randomly whenever you need a boost.
Our whole experience is determined by our mind. When we have a mind full of supportive thoughts, our experience will feel easier, more joyful and energised.
Inside Boost, you will find uplifting thoughts in the following areas:
+ Believing in yourself and deciding who you want to be
+ Taking opportunities and the people you spend time with
+ Intuitive guidance and beaming your truth
+ Your thoughts and positive mantras
+ How to use time and doing what makes you happy
+ Moving beyond the past, motivation and fulfilment
+ Making choices and the value of rest
+ Your worth and focusing on radiant joy
+ Persistence and progress
+ Forgiveness, failure and the journey
And more!
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Boost: Positive Book For Happiness Confidence Motivation