Wild Growth Light Oil Moisturiser 4oz
Product description
Wild Growth Light Oil Moisturizer magically increases hair length, thickness & appearance of new hair (in bald areas), progressing to first-time fullness & shoulder or below shoulder lengths. From tangled, unmanageable, dry, dull, damaged, weak hair to strong, healthy, soft, non-greasy hair. Saving you time & comb through pain. Wild Growth Light Oil Moisturizer adds vitality, shine & natural feel to perms-relaxers, extends perm-relaxer life for most and replaces perms-relaxers for many users.
- Wild Growth hair oil and oil moisturizer
- Help your hair grow thicker and faster
- Fragrance, synthetic color, and preservative-free
Ingredients: Olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, vitamin D, choline, inositol, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium
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Wild Growth Light Oil Moisturiser 4oz